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Risultati della ricerca

Cliccando sui risultati della ricerca (parole evidenziate in rosso) viene visualizzato il contesto in cui le parole compaiono nel corpus. E' possibile espandere i contesti destro e sinistro.

Il menu funzioni mostra l'elenco delle azioni possibili sui risultati della ricerca.


Le occorrenze trovate possono essere esportate in un file di testo semplice oppure in un file strutturato in formato XML. Utilizzare la funzione Salva per accedere alle opzioni di esportazione.

Visualizza L'interfaccia mette a disposizione due modi di visualizzazione delle occorrenze: KWIC e Sentence; è possibile alternare il modo cliccando su KWIC/Sentence.

Note that the options in the left hand side panel are all available when you are viewing the concordance. Some of the options will not be shown if you have already selected from this menu. If so, you can click 'view concordance' to get back to the concordance.

'View Options'

Clicking on View Options (see [wiki:SkE/Help/PageSpecificHelp/ViewOptions]) will allow you to alter how the concordance looks With this you can select what attributes of the words in the concordance you see

'KWIC/Sentence' Toggle between

  • the KWIC mode where the queried text (node) is in a central column and context is displayed on either side
  • Sentence where the queried text (node) is provided in the context of the sentence in which it occurs

'Save' Click on this to see options for saving the concordance in the main panel (or the frequency list or collocation candidates).

' Sort' Click on this to see complex sorting options. If the concordance is sorted based on the context, an option to '“Jump to”' a page with context starting with a certain letter occurs.

Alternatively, you can click on * Left (Right): to sort by the text left (Right) of the node * Node: to sort by the text in the central column (referred to as the node or KWIC) * References: to sort by the document references at the left hand side of the concordance * Shuffle: the concordance will be jumbled to avoid bias from a user only looking at the first portion

'Sample' Click this to select a random sample of the concordance lines

'Last (XXX)' Size of the last sample is stored, by clicking this, the site is used again, you don't need to fill the form again

'Filter' Click this to further specify contextual features to filter the concordance, for example by words to the left or right of the node word, or by text type

'Frequency' Click on this to see a variety of complex methods for obtaining frequency lists

Alternatively, you can click on * Node tags: to get a frequency list over the part of speech tags of the node word/s in the central column * Node forms: to get a frequency list over the node word forms in the central column * Doc IDs: to get a frequency list over the Doc ID's for the node word/s in the central column * Text Types: to get a frequency list over all the text types of the node word/s in the central column

'Collocations' Click on this to specify criteria and build collocation lists for the node word/s in the central column

'!ConcDesc' You can see the web query (for technical people)

/var/www/wiki/data/attic/manuale_utente/risultati.1378113376.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 02/09/2013 11:16 da admin